Some may wonder what the insulation codes are for us here locally in Baltimore. So, we have put together a simple chart to give us that information. The codes in the each county in the state of Maryland are all the same , minus one- Garrett County.
Ceiling R-value | 38 |
Wood Frame Wall R-value | 13 |
Mass Wall R-value i | 5/10 |
Floor R-value | 19 |
Basement Wall R-value c | 10/13 |
Slab R-value d, Depth | 10, 2 ft |
Crawlspace Wall R-value c | 10/13 |
Fenestration U-Factor b | 0.35 |
Skylight U-Factor b | 0.60 |

- R-values are minimums. U-factors and SHGC are maximums. R-19 batts compressed into a nominal 2×6 framing cavity such that the R-value is reduced by R-1 or more shall be marked with the compressed batt R-value in addition to the full thickness R-value.
- This table applies to single-family, wood frame residential construction.
- Floors over outside air must meet ceiling requirements.
- R-values for walls represent the sum of cavity insulation plus insulated sheathing, if any.
- Basement Wall Insulation is not required in warm-humid locations.
This information has been provided from the IECC Climate Zone Map that you can find here.